
Saturday, March 14, 2015

DIY Beach Rules Tray

Today I'm sharing how easy it is to customize a wooden tray!

I have chosen a coastal design for my tray. I printed out several things that I liked, then decided on the "Beach Rules" one!

 I used a projector to transfer my image onto the tray. With the help of some magazines, I finally got the right height!

Phew! That took some time to do, but well worth it! I only paid $8 for this tray in Ross, so by doing this myself, I saved a lot of money!

Keeping a neutral feel, I used white acrylic paint. I never made it perfect because I wanted it to have a worn beachy feel to it!

Once I finished painting in all of the font, I lightly sanded over it to fade it out a little and to remove most of the pencil marks! Easy right?

 Spring is one of my favorite seasons, so I filled glass jars and vases with Spring flowers to brighten up my day! : )

I wrapped some string around my mason jar and used a piece of burlap ribbon for the daffodil vase. 

I love using glass containers for plants. There's just something about seeing the bulb and roots of the plant! So natural!

I can't wait till my hyacinth opens up, they smell so good!

Thanks for stopping by!
Have a great day!
Shirley x

Linking up to...
Elizabeth & Co


  1. I can't wait to try out the projector with you!! I was just thinking about redoing my ottoman decor. I have a tray to paint, maybe I will add a pattern with the help of your projector! I love having a fellow blogger for a neighbor! ;)


    1. It's fun Carrie! I may get a better one in the future as you are limited to the size, but it's pretty decent! Anytime Carrie! That sounds great!
